5 - Trading
Tales allows players to trade items and gold with each other. Items can be offered for gold, or gold can be offered directly. There is no support for item for item trades.
Making an Offer to Trade
To make an offer, click or tap on the player you wish to trade with. This will show their player window:
Click Trade to open the trade window. Select the items by tapping or clicking the slots at the top. Set the amount of gold requested by clicking or tapping the gold field. Alternatively offer only gold by clicking the switch button in the middle.
Once the appropriate gold and/or items are selected click "Offer" to place the offer. The other player will recieve a message to indicate an offer has been made. You can also cancel the offer at any time by clicking or tapping "Cancel"
Responding to an Offer to Trade
To respond to an offer, click or tap on the player you wish to trade with. This will show their player window:
Click trade to see what the player is offering you. Examine the offer carefully before making a decision.
You can choose to Accept (and swap items and/or gold) or Reject (and cancel the trade).