Ruins of Ovenore

From Tales of Yore
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Hidden in the Dark Forest

The Ruins of Ovenore is located in the Dark Forest and is where the entrance to the dungeon of Ovenore is located. The actual dungeon itself is generated upon entry, meaning there is no fixed map for the dungeon.

Within the dungeon are various rooms and enemies, progressively getting harder in difficulty as the levels are passed.

Overnore is a unique 10-level dungeon where 2 bosses spawn instead of the usual 1. While the dungeon map itself is generated upon entry, the mob spawn rules are fixed.




Ovenore Level 1

Only Rats exist in this level.

  • Maximum rooms: 10
  • Maximum enemies per room: 2

Ovenore Level 2

Wolves and rats can spawn in this level, with rats having a double chance to spawn compared to wolves..

  • Maximum rooms: 10
  • Enemies per room: 1-2

Ovenore Level 3

Wolves and rats can spawn in this level, with wolves having a double chance to spawn compared to rats.

  • Maximum rooms: 15
  • Enemies per room: 1-2

Ovenore Level 4

Only wolves exist in this level

  • Maximum rooms: 15
  • Enemies per room: 1-2

Ovenore Level 5

The halfway point of the dungeon, wolves populate the rooms together with a single Warg boss.

  • Maximum rooms: 10
  • Enemies per room: 1-2

Ovenore Level 6

Wolves and snakes exist with equal chance to spawn.

  • Maximum rooms: 10
  • Enemies per room: 1-2

Ovenore Level 7

Only snakes spawn in this level.

  • Maximum rooms: 16
  • Enemies per room: 2-3

Ovenore Level 8

Snakes and lizardman spawn in this level, with lizard man having half the spawn chance of snakes.

  • Maximum rooms: 16
  • Enemies per room: 1-3

Ovenore Level 9

Snakes and lizardman spawn in this level with equal spawn chance.

  • Maximum rooms: 12
  • Enemies per room: 1-3

Ovenore Level 10

Snakes and lizardman spawn in this level with equal spawn chance. A Gargoyle boss also spawns here.

  • Maximum rooms: 12
  • Enemies per room: 1-3