Two Gold Coins

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Two Gold Coins

There were once two boys, each were given a gold coin by their father to make their fortune

One son wanted to start a bakery, but did not have enough money. The second son offered to give him his gold coin.

'But I will want half your sales' he said. The first son seeing his chance, immediately agreed and set to work

Soon the first son was selling a great deal of bread for 2 silver coins a loaf, the second son came to visit.

'I'll take my one silver coin' he said, 'but it costs me one silver to make the bread, I'll be left with nothing!' exclaimed the other

'Without me you would have no bakery!' replied the second. The first son sadly handed over the money.

The first son could charge no more for the bread and so worked many hard years. The second son grew fat.


Watch Tower - near Manheim

