Jules The Fisherman

From Tales of Yore
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Jules the Fisherman

Jules had been an accomplished fisherman since the age of ten. It wasn't until he met Saran that he became the legendary angler that he is known as today.

He first honed his art when visiting the dwarves at Dovan Helm. The dwarves would use a unique fishing reel made from dwarven mithril.

It was by chance that Jules encounted the shroom village at the edge of the swamp, where catfish was the preferred dish. It was here that Jules learnt to make gut cord for the fishing reel, made from catfish itself!

Later, Jules set out to find the elves at Edhil. These secluded folk didn't trust hiim at first, but in the end he won them over with his passion for fishing. It was here he was taught the art of making a fir fishing rod!

With a kiss goodbye to his enduring wife Saran, Jules set out to the far west in search of better fishing spots, perhaps to come home with a few stories to share.


Mirage Magic - S'thel

