This page is a Secret!
This is a page containing information regarding a 'Secret', which are intended to be guides to find things that are only hinted at. Please note that exploration and discovery are an intended part of Tales of Yore; for this reason, players are asked not to post the information contained in these pages directly to the global chat channel. Instead, please refer players inquiring after these secrets to the respective wiki page, or reach out to them privately. This is for the sake of not spoiling the fun for players who prefer to solve the associated riddles and discover these secrets themselves.
Whether this particular quest is considered a secret is up for debate, but as the necessary maps and quest info is not available in-game, nor does the generated wiki possess a page, we have chosen to treat this quest as a Secret.
Shrine of S'Tool Dnes
Dnes' Shrine is located in the map MountainPass (From
Aria go 2 to the long goblin hill map and Entrance is on the right side). This is the only shrine at the moment that does not offer a Blessing. Instead an Item(Hat) is obtained.
Shrine of the Crow
Godfrey's Shrine is located in the map Swamp2. (From
Aria go up 1 to bandits, left 2 to swamp, and 1 down to a map with two lakes. Entrance is on the left side)
Shrine of Naoki
Naoki's Shrine is located in the map GombardCoast6. (From
Gombard go up the coast until you see Moose. Entrance is on the Bottom Left side)
Shrine of Glaukos
Glaukos' Shrine is located in the map GombardCoast6. (From
Bala go Up 1 to Lions, then 1 Left, then take the upper left and continue left again until you see Desert. Entrance is on the Left side of the screen near the road.)